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Stacks Basecamp Blog

Your Local SEO | A Guide to Doing it Right

Boost local visibility and attract more customers with our guide to optimizing your local business website. Learn key strategies for local SEO success."

Tips & Tricks
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Advanced Customization with the Pen Stack

Explore advanced customization tricks with the Pen Stack! Tailor your project files to be more functional and visually appealing for a seamless workflow.

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Partial Power: Understanding the Power of Partials in Web Development

Discover the transformative power of using partials in web development through our latest blog post, which serves as an essential guide for both novice and seasoned website designers. Partials, a robust tool for managing website components like navigation bars and footers, prove invaluable in enhancing efficiency and ensuring consistency across your site, regardless of its size.

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Enhance Efficiency with Partials in Stacks: A Tutorial for Creating and Editing Sortable Blog Lists

Are you tired of manually creating and sorting your blog posts? Do you want to streamline your process and save time? Then look no further! In this tutorial, we will show you how to harness the power of partials in Stacks to create sortable blog lists.

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Allow Me to Introduce Myself

My name is Chris Powers and this is my professional blog where you can find tips, tricks, and insight into how I go about my professional life.

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